
Market Research App

Market Research App that Collects Data in Real-Time

Conduct market research on your iPad, iPhone, Android & Tablets in minutes to collect offline data anywhere, anytime!

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Market Research made easy with Offline Mobile Forms

Intuitive Interface

Intuitive & beautiful forms that are made for respondents to quickly and easily fill them.

Capture Photos

Capture photo with any camera-equipped smartphone or tablet.

Map Co-ordinates

Capture GPS location of the device while the survey is being taken.

Terms & Conditions

Record acceptance of terms and conditions using our "Accept/Reject" Question type.

Real-time Survey Results

Get real-time survey responses as soon as they are being collected in various formats.

Reporting & Analytics

Create custom survey reports that suits your specific needs & analyse accordingly.

Download Responses

Easily download your survey results in CSV, Excel format for analyzing data of a specific survey.

Interactive Charts & Graphs

With illustrative Line & Pie Graph, visualize the reports in the best possible way.

BrewSurvey as a Market Research App

Beautiful Layout

Capture leads by using mobile forms that you can embed with your company logo and background image.

Know your Audience

Gathering Demographic data, including age, gender, household income, region, device type is the basics of Market research, achieve these by setting the right question types from the dashboard.

Collect Data

Market research is successful when you can plan your next steps by analyzing survey progress daily.

Actionable Insights

Get more profound insight into Market Research

Analyze the market with our survey app by publishing intuitive mobile forms and have more insights for future needs by downloading them in CSV format.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is market research, and why is it important?

How can BrewSurvey help with my market research efforts?

What types of market research can I conduct with BrewSurvey?

Can I target specific audiences with my market research surveys?

How can I ensure the quality and accuracy of my market research data?

Go Mobile while Conducting Market Research

Start collecting offline data with Market Research App today! Free trial offers 5 survey forms and 100 responses.

Start Free Trial